Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Political Action Committee

What’s a PAC? A “political action committee” is an entity that can endorse candidates, give them money, and -- more importantly -- tell citizens the truth about candidates who run for office.

RMGO has the only pro-gun PAC in the state of Colorado. And it has been helpful to elect strong, no-compromise candidates to the legislature.  RMGO PAC is a "Small Donor PAC", which means we can only accept donations of $50 per person (so a couple could give $100).

Unlike other PACs -- which are limited to donating small amounts to state-level offices -- a Small Donor PAC can give up to $4,000 per election year.  And RMGO PAC can spend up to that amount educating voters about candidates and telling the truth about their stances on guns.

Join with us today, donate $50 (or $100 as a couple).  You can be a part of some of the biggest battles in Colorado history.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

Election Day 2016

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